Cimini - Scuse

Music Video

The collaboration with Federico and Noemi has aroused great enthusiasm in us because it is a project where Music, Illustration and Animation meet and complement each other, and also because it has given us the opportunity to use plasticine as an expressive material which, despite being the technique with which we started working in animation, we hadn’t been using it for a long time.
Music was obviously the starting point, the track to follow and the source of inspiration for animation, which, in this case, in addition to being entertainment, can be food for thought on topics and events that are contemporary to us.
What struck us about Federico is precisely his point of view and the way he communicates it using a simple but at the same time sensitive and ironic language, with attention to the smallest details.
The shooting technique chosen was stop motion, our specialty, and for the occasion we created an ad hoc set by building a work table divided into several glass levels by placing the camera on top.
In this way we were able to divide each single element of the scene: backgrounds, characters and details in the foreground each on its own level and we had the opportunity to work with praticality on every single level.

Written by Federico Cimini e Noemi Vola from an idea of Federico Cimini, Matteo Romagnoli e Stefano Bazzano    
Direction: Fabio Cirilli / Dadomani
Puppets & Model making / Animation / Post production: Dadomani
Graphic concept: Noemi Vola     
Music: Federico Cimini  
Music label: Garrincha Dischi

Making the Characters

